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Showing posts from March, 2023

Taxes do not and cannot Finance a Nation

  Taxes do not and cannot Finance a Nation, and the Federal Government Taxing Clause is not the National Revenue Clause. Taxation is the means of financing the Nation. We must Tax the Super-rich to fund the Nation and rebuild our Infrastructure. We must tax all those earning at least $400,000 annually to finance the Nation. The rich must pay their fair share of taxes, instead of having tax cuts that only help them, while reducing government services on which lower-income individuals rely. Those are the words of Tax Advocates. On the other hand, tax-cut Advocates argue that cutting taxes on the rich allows them redirect their increased wealth into new or additional productive investments, which subsequently increase the productive capacity of the economy --- trickle-down economy. These are some of the arguments thrown around regarding Taxation to grow the economy and finance the Nation, especially our dilapidating Nationwide Infrastructure. These volatile and incongruent arguments ...

The United States Has No National Debt, And Thus, No National Debt Limit

The United States Has No National Debt, And Thus, No National Debt Limit   The current $31.56 Trillion Treasury Securities Holdings, the so-called U.S. Federal Government Debt, falsely touted as the U.S. National Debt, is a Monumental Fraud. Hence, Stop Destroying the United States and American Citizens with this Monumental Fraud and Fallacy of National Debt and National Debt Limit. It is shocking that in this 21st Century, we Americans are still perpetuating Alexander Hamilton's 1790 profound error of equating U.S. Treasury Securities Holdings to U.S. National Debt. No wonder the First Vice President of the United States, John Adams, wrote the following excerpt in his Letter to Thomas Jefferson on August 25. 1787.  " All the Perplexities, Confusions and Distresses in America arise not from defects in their Constitutions or Confederation, not from a want of Honour or Virtue, So much as from downright Ignorance of the Nature of Coin, Credit and Circulation .   In ...