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Only Coronavirus has the Power to reopen the Economy, not Finicky Politicians

Only Coronavirus has the Power to reopen the Economy, not finicky Politicians

Huffing and puffing with arrogant impunity, finicky Politicians assert that they have the Authority to reopen an Economy they never closed. Telling people to stay home, and closing schools and non-essential businesses do not close an Economy, and telling people to no longer stay home, and reopening schools and non-essential businesses do not reopen an Economy. Whether People stay home or not, whether schools and non-essential businesses are open or closed, the Coronavirus Economy is Open. Only the non-Coronavirus Economy is closed, and should be closed. So, what exactly is a Coronavirus Economy and a non-Coronavirus Economy?

Coronavirus Economy is an Economy revolving around wiping out the Coronavirus and saving Peoples' lives from the Coronavirus. The non-Coronavirus Economy is an Economy that has nothing to do with wiping out the Coronavirus and saving lives from the Coronavirus.

It is thus hilarious that Politicians have arrogated to themselves, the ephemeral Authority to reopen the non-Coronavirus Economy, they are incapable of. Only Coronavirus which closed the non-Coronavirus Economy in the first place, has the  capability and actual Power to reopen the non-Coronavirus Economy. Coronavirus is the Dictator. Until People are confident enough of their safety from Covid-19, there will be no demand for products and services from the non-Coronavirus Economy. Coronavirus rules. The British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson can attest to this fact, and will not rush to reopen the British non-Coronavirus Economy despite having the Authority to do so, because he knows and understands from direct experience, who has the Power to reopen this aspect of the British Economy. It's not him.

Authority is not Power. How many Politicians have the Authority, not even Power, to wipe out billions of human beings or even humanity as a whole? Zero. Only Coronavirus has such Power ------ the Power to wipe out billions of human beings, if not the whole of humanity. All the Politicians in the World combined, do not even have the Authority to intentionally kill a single human being. If any Politician intentionally kills any human being, that would be murder, and the Politician will face the wrath of the Law, at least in the developed Nations. No such Law binds Coronavirus. It is the Law, and it can wipe out billions of human beings without flinching. It is Nature's Law and Nature Rules. Subsequently, Politicians must at the least, have a modicum of reverence for Mother Nature, and respect the rest of humanity who are not Politicians, but who gave them temporal authority to lead. Politicians must either lead with a vision or get out of the way. Our current situation is too dire for Political Shenanigans. It is one of Life and Death, and not about Money. For no amount of Money can buy Life. Death is irreversible. The so-called Economy Politicians want to reopen is the non-Coronavirus Market Economy of Money, nothing more, and the Market Economy itself is just one of five sub-economies that make up the Real Economy of Life.

The Real Economy of Life consists of the Household Economy, Nature's Economy, Government Economy, Unpaid Community Economy, Illegal Economy and the Market Economy. The Household Economy which ...... is fully functional and is not closed. Nature's Economy which ...... is fully functional and is not closed. The Government Economy which ...... is fully functional and is not closed. The Unpaid Community Economy which ...... is fully functional and is not closed. The Illegal Economy which ...... is functional and is not closed. Only non-Coronavirus  Market Economy of Money is closed, and must remain closed until the Coronavirus is gone or eliminated or incapacitated through the use of drugs and vaccines, for our existential survival.

The question then is, why do these finicky Politicians want to reopen the non-Coronavirus  Market Economy of Money that is totally useless and deadly to reopen in this current Covid-19 Pandemic Environment? It is not just foolhardy or suicidal but pure madness for any human being to reopen the non-Coronavirus Economy where multitudes of people are forced close together as in Sports Stadia, Restaurants, Shopping Malls or Shopping Centers, Gambling Casinos, Air Ports and Airplanes, Subways and Bullet Trains, Ships and Cruise Liners, large Offices, and many more. It makes no sense. We are yet to fix the totally dysfunctional Coronavirus Market Economy of Money that is not closed but fixated on the deadly non-Coronavirus Market Economy of Money that is beyond our control?

What humanity as a whole and Politicians in particular must focus on like a laser beam is the Coronavirus Market Economy or the Market Economy involving all aspects of wiping out the Coronavirus and saving Peoples' lives from the Coronavirus. This Coronavirus Market Economy includes everything that has to do with Food, Health, Shelter, Digital Life, and Dual Income for each and every Citizen.

1. Food
This encompasses all aspects of Food Production, Distribution and Consumption, in a holistic fashion. It is incumbent on the Central Government of each and every Nation to coordinate all aspects of the Private National Food Production and Distribution for Consumption, to ensure that each and every Citizen has enough food to eat. The frontline workers in the fields, warehouses, distribution centers and grocery stores must be given the best protection, especially Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), for their protection, and protection of civil society, especially their Customers.

2. Health
This includes all aspects of healthcare and sickness care. Governments must ensure that there are sufficient Hospitals, Hospital Equipment and Supplies, and well-trained Hospital and Medical Personnel to cater to all Citizens against Covid-19. These Frontline Workers or First Responders, must be given the best protection against the Covid-19, especially Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), for their protection, and protection of their Patients. While physical distancing is entrenched throughout Society, masks must also be made available to each and every Citizen.

At the same time Research and Development for drugs and vaccines against the Coronavirus must continue to be aggressively pursued until we find the appropriate drugs and vaccines.

3. Shelter
All Citizens, especially the homeless must now be sheltered in our fight against this very deadly Coronavirus. There are many vacant hotels that can accommodate all the homeless. If need be, Governments should commandeer these hotels for the homeless until there is a solution against the Coronavirus. Dead Landlords or Dead Hotel Owners cannot profit from their hotels while in their graves. This is a deadly emergency that has priority over everything else including profits. Life first, and all else will follow.

4. Digital Life and our Infrastructure
We must now transition to the 21st Century Physical Universe of both Objective Life and Digital Life. This is the right time to rebuild our broken and dilapidated infrastructure, especially Transportation Systems by Air, Land and Sea including Bullet Trains throughout the United States, and our Digital Infrastructure, to ensure that each and every citizen is connected to the fastest Internet, for work, education and entertainment. No Citizen must be left out of this Digital Future of Communication and Continuous Learning.

5. Dual Income for each and every Citizen.
Lastly, each and every Citizen is entitled to Dual Income of his or her Labor and of the Commons, belonging to each and every Citizen equally. In other words, each and every Citizen has a right to Labor Income (LI) and Common Income (CI). As Automation, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Computers take over our jobs (LI), the Common Income (CI) for each and every Citizen expands and increases, especially during this period of Covid-19 Pandemic. A win-win situation for all.

Finally, let these arrogant and finicky Politicians throw the first stone by spending hours in the Restaurants, Schools, Malls or other non-Coronavirus Business Centers they are forcing the owners to open, before forcing the populace or customers to congregate in these Centers to patronize the Businesses. What an irony that Humanity got rid of the divine right of Monarchy only to now replace it with the divine right of Politicians. Finicky Politicians must understand that Coronavirus has no respect for Monarchy or Politicians. It is the Law. Avoid, Adapt or Die.

We must first fix our open but totally dysfunctional Coronavirus Economy before attempting to reopen our currently irrelevant and useless non-Coronavirus Economy that is relevant only to the few fat cats who want to make money or profits. Life first.

Bright Harry is the author of America, Wake Up!where he debunks the Federal Government Budget Deficit and National Debt as mere illusions, albeit extremely deadly ones, with facts, logic, mathematics and history. He succinctly describes what the Real National Deficit is - a shortfall in the money in circulation and in the hands of American Citizens compared to the Wealth of Goods and Services we have already Produced.


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